We are happy to help you
Our Internet presence will give you a first impression of our company and the services we provide but we would be happy to advise you personally and individually. You may contact us via the contact form or we may call you back.
World Dredgers GmbH & Co. KG
Hafenstrasse 4-6
46483 Wesel
Tel.: +49 281 204 - 0
Email: info@world-dredgers.de
Contact persons
Arend van de Beek
Head of Sales & Service
Tel.: 31 314 667 908
Mobile: +31 653 225 016
Email: Arend.vandeBeek@world-dredgers.com
Christian Tepper
Head of Production & Service, Germany
Tel.: +31 314 667 908
Mobile: +49 151 5442 5418